consorzio nobilia is a florence-based textile design company with international production capabilities. the company strives to combine italian creativity and production skills with chinese production cost.the<br>aim of the company is to provide the major retailers producing fashion-oriented collections with finished piece goods from a location that is geographically close to most of their manufacturing facilities. <br><br>organizational structure<br>consorzio nobilia is an international company with italian, chinese and american capital and team members. experienced italian, american and hong kong textile and apparel executives finance consorzio nobilia and lead the operations.<br>the company has headquarters in several locations:<br>*florence, italy marketing, design and sales<br>*hong kong corporate management, finance, and accounting<br>*suzhou, china logistics, sourcing and production management<br>*yixing, china finishing plant<br>*shanghai, china sales and showroom<br>*new york, usa sales and showroom<br><br>consorzio nobilia 是一家著名的意大利纺织品设计和销售公司.因业务发展现诚聘以下英才!